Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. ~Romans 12:2
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
It's A Wonderful Life
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
It's tough being a a mean world

It's tough being a woman....

Thursday, October 7, 2010
What Faith Can Do
Just alittle note
Friday, October 1, 2010
Hearing from God
"The one who enters through the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep recognize his voice and come to him. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. After he has gathered his own flock, he walks ahead of them, and they follow him because they know his voice." ~John 10:2-4, NLT
Like so many other people, I struggle with finding daily time with God. There are days when it's not convenient to stop everything and have devotional time, but I know that it is so important that I do it. I know unless I seek Him everyday, I'm not being filled. I get crabby, and moody, and my life seems out of control. My mom always says, "You have to be in the eye of the storm". At first I never really understood what she was saying. So I asked. She said that in a hurricane, the eye of the storm is the middle, where things are calm. They are quiet. And in the midst of chaos, family life, friends, boyfriends, church, school, sports, chores. It all seems to be flying all around you. But there is a place, the eye of the storm, where you can breath. You can feel God in that place.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Your amazing thing
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Warrior Poet (Part 2)
How Warrior Poets Are Made (Authentic Beauty, Eric Ludy) So many girls, including me, wonder if Warrior Poets still exist. "Sadly, we girls believe in the one-extraordinary-man-every-seven-hundred-years theory. In fact, I’ve come to the understanding that some girls today believe inGirls today don’t believe that Warrior Poets are out there, but in reality, they are everywhere. We just have to look a little harder. "But you know what; guys need someone to believe in them. They need someoneIf you still don’t know what a Warrior Poet looks like, there is one other person that has every quality of a Warrior Poet. His name is Jesus Christ. He is the perfect Warrior Poet. Here are four great ways that Eric gave to help shape young men into Warrior Poets:
Warrior Poet (part 1)
I have (for the last 2 weeks) been taking a drivers ED class! Its been great! Kinda boring, but very useful! You would not believe how nervous I was in the beginning of the class!!! It’s all good now! So I have been a pretty busy girl!
So back to my post! =) I was thinking and praying about what to talk about. There are SO MANY things that teenage girls deal with everyday, different situations, different guys, different problems. So I thought I would start kinda basic about how to treat guys, ALL of them. Whether its your brother(s), your dad, the guys at your school, or at church, at work, etc.. We girls come in contact with guys almost everyday! School seems to be a popular place to see guys. And if you are homeschooled like me, then you know that you are with your brothers and your dad alot. But it doesn’t matter where we go to school, we interact with guys everyday. I thought it would be great to talk about how to treat your brother in Christ. So, fasten your seat-belts!!!!
Before we start, I hope that this blog will inspire you as a girl to motivate the guys in your life to become far better men... men like Jesus Christ.
I was reading one of Leslie Ludy’s books on purity one day (Authentic Beauty) and I came across something that her husband Eric wrote. He was talking about how to treat our brothers in Christ. I thought it was so great that I wanted to share what I got out of the section he wrote in. First of all, he spent a good amount of time talking about a type of guy, he liked to call a “Warrior Poet" (now remember that name cause I say it alot) Leslie has mentioned it as well. And he goes on to explain what he thinks a warrior poet is to him. He talked about a guy that he read about in a book called The Scottish Chief. In his words, "This man was a fighter; strong, confident, brave. He was a total picture of a true Warrior Poet."
If you know me at all you will know that I am in LOVE with the movies The Lord of the Rings. I don’t know why, and I don’t know how, I just am. This movie has a little bit of everything. Some adventure, romance, comedy, and a little gore; but, I could watch that movie over, and over again! As I was thinking about who I see as a Warrior Poet, it hit me. This William Wallace that Eric was talking about reminded me of someone else.Aragorn from the Lord of the Rings. He is yet another picture of a true Warrior Poet. He is handsome, brave, strong, courageous, fearless, a fighter, not a quitter, romantic, smart, sweet, a good friend, a true Warrior Poet. Men like these gave me a vision of manhood that I desire for every guy I know. The thing is, I think men like Aragorn and William Wallace didn’t spend their days, flirting with all the girls, or wasting time playing video games. They were out there fighting for what they believed was right. Being trained to go out and fight, to win! You don’t see many guys like that! But you know what, I hate to say it but girls are a HUGE part of the problem. We don’t treat the guys in our life like Warrior Poets. We treat them like Peter Pan or Sponge Bob. We don’t admire them for what God created them for. We don’t help shape them to be Warrior Poets; instead we become arrogant girls and knock them down. “Guys desire to be so much more than they are today--they just don’t know they desire it.” (to be continued........)