Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What does Set-Apart mean?

Set-Apart Girls for Eternity, what does it mean?

Well I started thinking about getting a small group up and running, I know that this was something that God wanted me todo, one of my favorite parts of planning this group was picking out the name. "What should I name it?" I had NO IDEA!!!!!! I started using words and abbreviations. I thought of the name LIFE (Living In Faith Everyday) I thought it was a great fit. Then as life went on, I started meeting new friends, going to new churches, and my priorities in life changed. LIFE just didn't seem to fit. I prayed about it and thought hard. It was about that time that I started reading Leslie Ludy's books on purity. She used words like Authentic Beauty, Lilies among the thorns, Sacred Design, and Set-Apart Femininity. They were almost like music to my ears. "God sees me as a lily among the thorns in this world?" The thought of having Authentic Beauty; a beauty that no guy could take away. Then it hit me, Set-Apart Femininity. It was like love at first sight. =) I LOVED that name. I thought to myself "I want to be set-apart for my Prince, Jesus Christ!" And my dad came up with Set Apart Girls For Eternity! I want to be a Set-Apart Girl for Eternity. I knew it was the one. It just seemed so perfect for what the girls in this generation needed. To be Set-Apart!

So what does Set-Apart mean?
"Absolute abandonment to Jesus Christ, and entire separation to the pollution of this world"
And that is what it means to be a set-apart girl!

"Many of us who profess to know Christ are too preoccupied with the things of this world" Chasing after popularity, approval of the opposite sex, material things, and the media. While terrible things are happening to thousands of people each day. Orphans are going hungry, men and women are dying without hope. So my question to you is: "Which of us will make those choices in this generation?" The choices to abandon the things of this world and take up our cross and follow Him to the ends of the earth?

No matter where you have been or what choices you've made in the past, there is no better way to start this set-apart life then now, whether you are 6, 16 or 46 years old. But I must warn you, it's not an easy road. The standard is high and only a few have given all they are to be set-apart for Jesus Christ. And don't ever forget that you are special, God is smitten for you but the enemy will try to ruin what God has for you. Be aware and cling to the hand of your Heavenly Father, He'll never leave you.

God bless you on your Set-Apart journey!
Your sister in Christ,

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