Friday, October 1, 2010

Hearing from God

"The one who enters through the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep recognize his voice and come to him. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. After he has gathered his own flock, he walks ahead of them, and they follow him because they know his voice." ~John 10:2-4, NLT

Like so many other people, I struggle with finding daily time with God. There are days when it's not convenient to stop everything and have devotional time, but I know that it is so important that I do it. I know unless I seek Him everyday, I'm not being filled. I get crabby, and moody, and my life seems out of control. My mom always says, "You have to be in the eye of the storm". At first I never really understood what she was saying. So I asked. She said that in a hurricane, the eye of the storm is the middle, where things are calm. They are quiet. And in the midst of chaos, family life, friends, boyfriends, church, school, sports, chores. It all seems to be flying all around you. But there is a place, the eye of the storm, where you can breath. You can feel God in that place.
One thing I found to be really helpful in getting a jump start to your devos, is a good Christian book. Biographies of women who's lives were set apart for Christ. Who lived for the sake of the Lord like Amy Carmichael and Elisabeth Elliott. Also, have people pray for you, that God would give you a passion to know Him more.

God desires to communicate with His princess. You are His princess. Spending daily time with Him will be what keeps you going each day. How do you best hear God's will for your life? How does He reveal the purity you are to have in your spirit? Through His Word? Extended alone time with Him? Talking to your pastor, parents or youth leaders? Make time today to listen to His voice. Trust me you will be blessed :)

Your Sister In Christ,

1 comment:

  1. So sorry your blog got hacked :\
    But this is definitely awesome, T!
    Thanks for the encouragement. I hope the wedding goes really well! :)
