an interesting feeling you get when you look back at your life and
realize that it isn't they who have changed but you. Today marks the
last year I will be a teen. Being 19 years old doesn't feel much
different but when you look at the life I have lived, it all seems so
bittersweet. If you told me a year ago, that I would go through the
stuff I have, I would have sat and cried. I would have wished it away
because there was so much that I and my family have had to go through
in the last year. The song I keep listening to is “Broken
(Beautiful) by Chris Sligh.
“Can we move on, can we move on..from the love we've left behind?
Can we move on , can we move on..from the love we will never find?
The world is broken, in so many pieces, but the brokenness is beautiful. It's beautiful. My heart is broken, by beauties mysteries but the brokenness is beautiful. It's beautiful.”
It makes me smile when I hear those words, because it is so true. It's in our brokenness that we are made beautiful because it isn't our own strength but God's that keeps us breathing. They always say that if you could do it over again, would you have gone through it all again. I can honestly say that I would. Not because it was all so pleasant but because of who I am today....
“We want to avoid suffering, death, sin, ashes. But we live in a world crushed and broken and torn, a world God Himself visited to redeem. We receive his poured-out life, and being allowed the high privilege of suffering with Him, may then pour ourselves out for others.” ~ Elisabeth Elliot
wonderful words. To suffer for the good of this world is a high
privilege. To suffer with Christ. Being broken isn't a bad thing,
because when we are broken, we can feed a multitude! Just like Jesus
I feel like spring right now. I want so badly to bloom flowers, and see myself grow from the rain, but the snow keeps coming. But just like the spring, we can bloom even in those snowy days.
So, today..I turn 19, and my life is gonna change just as it always does. “..Love mixed with pain, and hope raised again..” I look forward to what God is gonna do. Where He is gonna take me, and who He will bring into my life.
Goodbye 18, hello 19.
“Can we move on, can we move on..from the love we've left behind?
Can we move on , can we move on..from the love we will never find?
The world is broken, in so many pieces, but the brokenness is beautiful. It's beautiful. My heart is broken, by beauties mysteries but the brokenness is beautiful. It's beautiful.”
It makes me smile when I hear those words, because it is so true. It's in our brokenness that we are made beautiful because it isn't our own strength but God's that keeps us breathing. They always say that if you could do it over again, would you have gone through it all again. I can honestly say that I would. Not because it was all so pleasant but because of who I am today....
“We want to avoid suffering, death, sin, ashes. But we live in a world crushed and broken and torn, a world God Himself visited to redeem. We receive his poured-out life, and being allowed the high privilege of suffering with Him, may then pour ourselves out for others.” ~ Elisabeth Elliot

I feel like spring right now. I want so badly to bloom flowers, and see myself grow from the rain, but the snow keeps coming. But just like the spring, we can bloom even in those snowy days.
So, today..I turn 19, and my life is gonna change just as it always does. “..Love mixed with pain, and hope raised again..” I look forward to what God is gonna do. Where He is gonna take me, and who He will bring into my life.
Goodbye 18, hello 19.