Monday, June 6, 2011

Is Your God Big? Mine Is!

As one of my subjects in school I am doing Bible Doctrines. Which is like a study about the Bible, christianaity, God..etc... And today we talked about Theology (the study of God, and the existence of God). It's a really interesting topic. I am going to share alittle bit about what it blew my mind!

"In order of the universe, the sun is an ordinary, medium-sized star. Yet its energy and violence alomst defy imagination. It is a dense mass of glowing matter, a million times the volume of the earth, and in a permanent state of nuclear activity. Every second, 4 million tons of hydrogen are destroyed in explosions that start somewhere near the core, where the temp is about 55 million degrees Fahrenheit. More energy than man has used since the dawn of civilization is radiated by this normal star in a second. The earth's entire oil, coal, and wood reserves would fuel the sun's energy output to the earth alone for only a few days. Tongues of hyrogen flame lead from the sun's surface with the force of a billion hydrogen bombs. They are forced up by the enormous thermonuclear explosion at the core of the sun, where 564 million tons of hydrogen fuse each second to form helium"

"The heat of the sun is so great that a body of solid ice as large as our earth would be melted within two hours if the sun came closer to the earth, and if the earth itself would fall into the sun it would be completely vaporized in a matter of minutes. The distances between the earth and the sun is 93,000,000 miles. Astronomers have estimated that if this distance were increased to 120,000,000 miles instead, our planet would be a perpetual frozen Artic, and life on it would be impossible. If on the other hand, this distance were reduced to about 60,000,000 miles, the surface of the earth would be a glowing furnace, again making life on it impossible. But the wonder is that this ball of fire of incalculable heat is exactly 93,000,000 miles away, the exact distance to provide the earth with a balanced amount of heat and light to make life in all its form possible, and also to divide the earth into climatic zones to make variation to plant an animal life possible. Here again we see the perfect balance in nature. There is no rational explanation for this supreme engineering achievement without a supreme, intelligent, and master Builder."

Wow!!!! How awesome is that! And to think that SO many people doubt that there is a really is mind blowing..the rest of the chapter talked about the design of the animal kingdom and the design of the human body(which would take to much space) its beyond amazing.

Now, I'm not just talking about those who doubt that there is a God. But those that doubt God. Whether its a dating situation, a life problem..whatever. We christians seem to doubt that God is big enough. I know that we won't admit that we think that way but we do. If God can make the sun so perfectly made..if he can tell a spider how to make a web...or how our eyes are supossed to see...or how far the ocean goes...the list goes on and on...if God the Creator of EVERYTHING we see can do all that...he can help you through your stuggles.

If you haven't praised God for what he has done not only in your life but in others...I encourage you to now! The Bible says...."Enter His gates with Thanksgiving and enter His courts with Praise!"

Be Blessed

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