I really connected with this quote this morning. I think so many times we try to be "perfect" for everyone. We are bothered when people don't like us, treat us badly or abandon us for no real reason. We think that in order to be "successful" in life we have to have EVERYONE like us and want to be our friend but that isn't reality. There are gonna be people that aren't gonna be your friend, you are going to watch people leave your life without any explanation. You might even get an explanation and it's going to hurt you deeply. You are going to have to get good at letting go of what isn't yours.
For a people-pleaser like myself and someone who just wants genuine friendship without drama or judgement...I find it easy to want to please people to the point of actually changing who I am in order to get them to stay in my life.
I've noticed myself grasping at friendships and relationships like they are the thing that keeps me alive. Yes, it hurts when people leave you. It is extremely painful to accept the reality that they don't want to be in your life anymore. I know these feelings all too well. The thing is though, we have a choice to make. We can allow those things and feelings to bring us down and cause us to stop on this journey of life or we can see that this is part of God's plan and process He is walking us through and be excited for the next chapter He has written. I think when we can learn to realize that we aren't for everyone. We can give our best to the ones that we are for. Impressing is exhausting and I'm done with it.
All I really need, is my God, a good cup of coffee, a positive attitude, a go-getter spirit and a joy that stands all trials.
"You might be the sweetest and juiciest peach, but some people just don't like peaches."